Its Friday!!! And I have to say that we kept up with our homeschool schedule for at least 80% of our homeschool schedule. Not our housework schedule, but its a start.
Our planner sheets are working great to keep us on our toes. Its also a great visual for me.
Here is how the week turned out.
Monday's are the only day that we can devote all day to homeschool and we did. Tuesday's I work at the homeschool store for the day and then we have church activities or basketball. Wednesday we worked on some daily subjects. Wednesday is also my hubby's only day off, so we follow his lead as much as possible. This week we had Basketball tryouts on our normal Co-op days, which are on Thursday and Friday. We missed one and the other is starting back up in October. I normally try not to schedule school work on these days due to the co-ops but I had them do some make up work anyway. I have also scheduled Saturday as a homeschool day because of the interruptions during the week. Here is what we did this week:
Scriptures- We are working our way though the Old Testament AGAIN. We did it last year, but since our new co-op is doing Ancient History, we are going through it again. We worked on Genesis this week.
Math- Teaching Textbooks is a great curriculum for us after trying so many different math programs. I am using Teaching Textbooks 3. I only purchased one book and I am copying the lessons for both my 8 and 10 year old. They are learning Angles and geometry. My 16 son is using Teaching Textbooks for Geometry and my 14 yo daughter is using ACE's workbooks for Algebra. She loves the paces workbooks.
History- We are using Tapestry of Grace very loosely. We read Story of the World (2 chapters) (for the 10 and 8 year olds) We covered Hammurabi and Gilgamesh. My daughter is using Paces for most of her subjects plus she reads some living history books. We also listen to the audio of Mysteries in History for the co-op. One day of the week we read Famous Stories Retold and next week I am added one Plutarch chapter.
Language Arts- Daily, we do copywork, Journaling, and Cursive Writing. We also use First Language Lessons level 3 for both my 10 year old and 8 year old. My 16 has almost all his English credits through a homeschool English class he attended where he sometimes took 2 classes at a time.
Spelling: I got a new curriculum and will start it next week.
Science-We worked on the skeletal system and will need to catch up to the co-op. We also read from Christian Liberty Press books.
Art- Started on the artist Picasso using a curriculum I downloaded for free some time ago.
Reading-Kids have to read 15 minutes a day, two days out of the week we read as a family. I need to work on this and make it a regular nightly ritual. But, right now I am working on my morning routine and then we will work on our evening routine.
Languages- We are doing Hebrew with the co-op and Spanish on our own. Eventually, I need to add Greek. We started last year but dropped it. I am going to wait until we get into a groove, but might take it one day a week.
I think that's it, but I might have forgotten something.
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